
Practical Joker

While I have never desired to own a whoopie cushion, there have been moments in my life where I've found myself plotting a perfect practical joke - and then not performing it.
Case in point: one of these days the part of my brain that feels shame will call in sick, and I will ask the friendly Whole Foods worker where the Twinkies are.
Better case in point: Standing in line at a register, the woman in front of me was purchasing a lot of items, the last of which was a bag from the bakery. The cashier asked her, "What's in the bag?" so she could ring it up accordingly. When the woman said, "Three donuts," I - with a very Dr. Strangeloveian self-restraint - stopped myself from looking the cashier in the eye, licking my fingers, and mumbling as if my mouth was full, "Two donuts." It would have been effing hilarious...at least to me. I had no idea how the lady whose donuts they were would have reacted - probably not well - which is why I didn't go through with it. Alas, it is a moment I will never have back. A moment I will lie to my grandchildren about, telling them it really happened.
Perhaps the woman would have reacted like my friend did on Halloween a couple of years ago: I put on a drab gray dress and my daughter's long black wig, and smudged gray liner under my eyes to look like a J-horror ghost. Then I sat at my friend's desk with my back to the door, awaiting her arrival so I could slowly turn around and give her a short scare, then a laugh. Instead, I got an ambivalent, "What are you doing?" and a polite chuckle. In other words, as the kids say nowadays: a fail.
Aren't I too old for this nonsense anyway? Or does a professional practical joker never really retire? I suppose I'll never know. Now if you'll excuse me, my shoe is untied. ...made you look.

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