
Communications Coordinator 8/18/10

I need a new phone. I'm not intimidated by technology - I worked technical support for years - but I do get easily overwhelmed with decisions. I am switching to one particular carrier, but even so there are a lot of phones to choose from. Blackberry? Windows Mobile? Android? Apps! I need apps!
My current phone has suited me fine. As with anything, there are pros and cons, but I'm not sick of my phone yet, even after two years. I just need my new phone to do everything my current phone does, and sure, I'll take an extra app or two. One more thing: can I please get phone calls this time?
I've had service with my current carrier for a few years. In that time, I have heard several times, "I tried to call you," only to realize that at the time they tried to call, my phone was sitting right next to me giving me the silent treatment (Come on, baby, I swear I barely glanced at that new iPhone, and I swore I would never do it again. Why can't you forgive me?). This issue occurred on two phones with this carrier; it has to be a service issue. I can compare phone features all day, but will still be taking a leap of faith as to whether my calls will come through with any reliability. Now that my husband is already using the carrier I will be switching to, we have discovered that he does not receive my texts, and I do not receive his calls. Ever the problem solvers, we decided that if he needs me he will have to text me, and if I need him I will have to call him. We are hoping that when I switch to his service we will have the freedom to choose our methods of communication, but until then, we will be playing phone-then-text-then-phone tag.

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