

I have a problem with socks. I have no idea whether anyone else has this problem; it really hasn't ever come up in any conversation I've ever had.  The issue is this: my socks get holes in them. In the heels. The Achilles tendon, specifically. I have no idea how this happens, especially as it usually happens on the first wear, and typically only on pairs I have bought at stores that do not include the word "dollar" in their name.
I understand holes in the toes. I understand holes in the heels (because unfortunately there is not enough pumice and/or shea butter in the world to get my feet to look good in sandals). I do not understand holes developing over the softest part of my foot.
I also do not understand how this happens on the first wear. When this phenomenon occurs with pantyhose - which nowadays I avoid like shows having anything to do with New Jersey - I can usually pinpoint what happened, which was me being careless and snagging them on something. Side Note: this has happened with knit gloves, too. Knit gloves + Velcro = Bad. My socks, however, are safely housed inside my shoes, which should protect them from me and any runnings-in I may have with rough objects. Perhaps this is where I should point out that I am not wearing wooden shoes or anything. Get some meddling kids on the case, because this is a mystery to me.

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