

The building I work in has been remodeled over the last year. I was one of the first to get a new desk - all my own, too - resting comfortably on the stylish new modular carpet. Not that the new stuff wasn't cool, but I missed my old cozy office, tucked away and locked from all but a select few coworkers. The new area was cold, and no space heaters were allowed (which may or may not have to do with one catching fire on my watch). My new computer was missing essential programs that I had to wait to have installed. I realized that as adaptable as I had always believed myself to be, I really don't like change.
I tend to live in the here and now. I forget to take photos of major events because it doesn't occur to me that I will one day be present in a future where I may want to revisit these moments. Even so, I rarely look at old photos, because I know where they are if I want to see them, but I'm too busy right now. The future will come when it comes, and bring with it what it will. The past, I can't change, and has led me to where I am now, which I do not at all regret.
That said, I catch myself using the phrase, "I remember when" a lot. If we ever drive around my town together, point out a building, and I'll tell you the business it used to be before it was the business it is now, as well as who I was with when I used to hang out there. This is why I don't like change: It makes me nostalgic. I don't want to be that guy - "Hey, did I ever tell you about how that Taco Bell used to be-" "YES! You've told me about it!" I accept that change is inevitable, and I wouldn't want to live in any other time than this one. But a large part of me cheers every time they recycle parts of the old house on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. Memories deserve a place in our now.

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