
Credit Underwriter 7/21/10

I have had a Target card for several years now. My credit limit has remained exactly the same for all those years, until recently. My credit limit went from a very reasonable discount store limit of $200.00, to a whopping, and completely unreasonable for a discount store $2,000.00. I don’t know if it’s even possible to spend that kind of money at Target. You would have to buy most of the store to even approach that figure. I would love to try, except for the whole having-to-pay-it-back-plus-interest “catch” that comes with most credit cards. I appreciate (I guess) the gesture, telling me in no mistakable terms that I am wholly trustworthy when it comes to giving money to Target. But really, who made that call, a former mortgage lender?
I've never been a credit underwriter, but are you sure that someone who racks up $2,000.00 at Target has the means to pay it all back?