

I miss blogging. I truly do. I also miss jewelry making, and reading, and karaoke, and other clever things smart women do. I've been putting in a lot of overtime at work, which leaves precious little time for hobbies like the above, or the even more frivolous, such as housecleaning. See, Husband and me are thinking about considering looking into maybe buying a house. I'm told these cost money. Not just here's-200 bucks-I'll-move-in-on-Friday money, but herds of money. If I want a house, I best set out to wrangle said monies.
We've already started looking at available homes, even though we're probably not actually moving for another 8 months. Hours into adding this criterion, and removing that criterion, Husband's question was a good one: "How did people look at houses before the Internet?" I'm reasonably convinced that they didn't. Houses were never bought nor sold prior to checkboxes that let you search within a specific school district.
Many years ago I actually bought two homes without Internet assistance, and I remember the experience much as I remember using a typewriter on my more important homework assignments: It is an experience now to reserve only if your electricity is out. For weeks. And your phone and laptop batteries have already died. And maybe the Internet got destroyed in a fire. Seriously, looking at homes online is one of my favorite things to do. If my Facebook notifications appeared on the real estate site I was searching I'd never leave my computer at all. I get angry when there are no interior photos of a listed home. Only photos of the front exterior and the view from the back deck? Disqualified! If there are interior shots, but the kitchen isn't one of them? Disqualified! The kitchen is my favorite part, because that's where I keep my coffee. I need to make sure it's worthy. These things are important if you want to sell me your house. Which you do. Want to. Sell me your house. Because I'll make a great homeowner, and because once you do I can stop working all this overtime.